Animal Communication Session
Animal Communication
Cindie receives messages from your fur-baby via words, images, videos, feeling emotions or physical sensations, knowings and sometimes by taste or smell. Sessions are held via Zoom and recorded so you can review the messages from your animals at any time. Distance is not a barrier.
Animal Communication
How can a communication session help my animal?
A communication session can be a valuable support for both you and your animal companions. When behavior modification is involved, more than one session may be needed. Issues that may be resolved via animal communication include the following:
- Behavioral issues
- Issues between animal “siblings”
- Decisions about bringing a new family member or fur-baby into the home.
- Preparing an animal for other life changes, such as moving or going on vacation without your animal companion.
- To heal trauma. Sometimes it is a great relief to animals to be able to share their story.
- Attachment issues, such as separation anxiety or lack of bonding
- After death. It is very comforting to know that your animal companion is safe and well and able to send you messages when they are out of their physical bodies.
- Just for fun! It is very interesting to hear what your fur-baby thinks and feels and they may have profound wisdom to share with you.
Please note that resolution may also require healing sessions.
Why invest in communication sessions for my animal?
*See notes
Why invest in healing work for my animal?
Regular veterinary care is a critical, irreplaceable service for all animals. That said, there are a number of issues that veterinarians are not able to address as directly as others. These include behavioral, mental/emotional and spiritual conditions, such as traumatized/fearful/anxious animals, reactive/aggressive animals, animals with depression, etc.
Animals, like humans, have belief systems and emotional challenges and always pick up on the stresses of their people. Disease (including physical illnesses), disorders and distress begin when energy becomes “stuck” in the emotional body. Freeing the energy allows the being to heal and thrive again. This works equally well for animals as it does for humans.
The work I do can also supplement the work you are engaging in with your vet and help promote and speed physical healing. Additionally, some of the work I do can be considered to be preventive. Disease and disability begin in the emotional body, so addressing emotional issues can help resolve issues before they impact the physical body.
Some of the work I do also provides peace and deep relaxation for your animals and is like giving them a mini-spa day! My healing services can also support your animals while you are traveling or otherwise unable to connect with them physically.
Dazy’s Words Bring Healing
Our Services
Animal Healing
Reiki Healing
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s healing effects and is being used with increasingly regularity in hospitals and other medical settings.
Belief Work
Animals like humans, have belief systems that limit them and keep them stuck. Releasing the negative beliefs frees their energy and allows them to heal and thrive.
Core Expansion
Reiki Levels I and II (energy healing certifications for both humans and animals) .
How to support and bond with
anxious animals.
Emotion/Body Code
The Emotion Code/Body Code is highly effective because it helps to identify specific issues and remove them. I tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected to meet your healing goals for your animal companion.
Theta Healing
Theta Healing was my first modality and I still use it with some frequency today. Theta Healing is primarily a belief work method; however, I use Theta with animals most frequently to perform belief and feeling “downloads”.
Other Modalities
Shamanic Channeling
• Sacred Attunements
• Accelerated Light Healing
• Arcturian Reiki
• Sound Healing
• Akashic Records Work
• Belief Work for Animals
• The Reconnection
Healing Success Stories
Lady’s Trust!
Read story
Nathan’s Strength!
Read story
Tiger’s Wisdom!
Read story
Cindie has transformed our dog’s way of being in the world, which has very positively impacted my entire family and everyone who interacts with him.
Reiki Healing
Relax and Heal
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Rei means "spirit" and Ki means "energy", translating as spiritual or life force energy. Reiki has scientific evidence behind it for many of its healing effects and is being used with increasing regularity in hospitals and other medical settings. Both John Hopkins and Stanford recommend Reiki.
How Reiki can Help Your Animal Companion:
If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are happier, healthier and attract more positive life circumstances.
Reiki can be given with hands-on or can also be given at a distance, so it is ideal for those animals who are learning to trust or have been traumatized. It is ideal in this circumstance and I have extensive experience working with animals who have been through a great deal.
Belief Work
Change Your Beliefs, Change your Life
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
I originally was a client, but soon after chose to become a Sacred Activations practitioner because the work had such a profound impact on my life, with substantial shifts in my well-being and life's circumstances over a short period of time. I was delighted to find that this work is equally effective with animals. An activation shifts energy, either releasing negative energy that limits your animal companion's health and well-being or connecting them with positive energies that will support positive life changes.
How Sacred Activations can Help Your Animal Companion:
Close to 94% of the actions we take on a daily basis are fueled by subconscious belief systems. Animals, like humans have belief systems. They essentially govern our lives and can either support us or hinder us in what we are trying to achieve on a more conscious level. Changing our beliefs is the most effective way to effect change in our lives. I have been astounded at the positive results associated with this work, releasing beliefs that no longer serve me and connecting me to beliefs that allow me to expand and transform my life.
There are more than 300 activations and many specific to animals, to enhance various aspects of life. Most activations, originally channeled for humans are powerful for animals as well for example "Disconnecting from Disease Consciousness'.
Core Expansion
Transformation with Ease and Grace!
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
Core Expansion is a revolutionary and powerful new healing modality, direct from Source, which transforms eons of limiting energies, negative patterns, oaths, vows, obligations, curses, and bonds to sabotage, addiction, trauma, dis-empowerment, loss, poverty, dis-ease and disharmony gently, quickly and effectively. I have found this modality to be extremely powerful for animals.
How Core Expansion can Help Your Animal Companion:
Core Expansion de-clutters your animal's energetic space of outdated patterns and limitations, which have been standing in the way of healing or behavioral change. It also raises your animal's frequency, so that s/he can make tremendous shifts in well-being and life circumstances.
There are currently over 200 Core Energies, each is specific to enhancing and expanding various aspects of life for humans and animals alike.
Emotion/Body Code
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level? The Emotion Code/Body Code releases these issues to help restore well-being on every level.
How can the Emotion/Body Code help me/my animal companion?
These trapped emotions are in your muscles, your organs, your connective tissue, your joints, etc. An Emotion Code session, releases trapped emotions which can cause emotional, physical, behavioral and spiritual issues. An Emotion Code session can help to release the stored and recorded trauma patterns that impact you physically/emotionally and spiritually, limit your life and keep you stuck. A Body Code session takes it to the next level and supports by going more deeply into the root causes and limiting patterns.
The Emotion Code/Body Code is highly effective because it helps to find specific problems and remove them. I tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected to meet your healing goals for your animals.
Theta healing
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
Theta Healing was my first modality and I still use it with some frequency today. Theta Healing is primarily a belief work method; however, I use Theta with animals most frequently to perform belief and feeling “downloads”.
How Theta Healing can Help Your Animal Companion:
If an animal has never felt safe, they may have absolutely no concept of what safety feels like. This can limit the benefits of the healing work. The downloads are to teach the animal what concepts feel like and how to create those feelings to support the healing process. I sometimes use other aspects of Theta Healing to disconnect animals from the energy of a prior owner, etc.
Sound Healing
Potential Results:
- Improved physical well being including improved mobility, energy and appetite for senior animals
- Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, including improvements in functioning for fearful or anxious animals
- Reduced aggression and reactivity
- Improvements in behavioral challenges
- Improved relationships between animals
- Peace and deep relaxation.
- Building trust and the human-animal partnership
- Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life
Sound healing is one of the most ancient forms of healing and with the most evidence behind its efficacy. Sound has been proven to kill cancer cells and to bring healing on multiple levels, physical, emotional and spiritual.
How Sound Healing Can Help Your Animal Companion:
The vibrations can help release trauma and stuck energy and bring a being back into harmony and balance. I use the voice, crystal bowls and sometimes Native American flute, to bring forth healing. I also channel Shamanic sound. The results have been powerful.
Cindie’s Perspective
Animals of all kinds can greatly enjoy & benefit from energy healing. It’s my pleasure & I believe it’s my purpose to offer deep healing sessions to these sentient beings as they endeavor to fulfill their own purpose of healing the planet.”
From the Blog
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Sundowners Syndrome in Dogs-How to Help!
More than 50% of dogs over the age of ten experience some form of canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD). Dogs may exhibit signs and symptoms of a condition called Sundowner’s Syndrome, that is also found in some elderly adults. It is believed that Sundowner’s may be related to fatigue, hormone fluctuations, disruptions in the body’s biological clock, or altered vision with changing light levels.
In dogs Sundowner Syndrome can lead to ………
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