Like cats, dogs have absolutely no need for carbohydrates. Fruits and veggies are awesome, but grains are heavily sprayed with glyphosates/Round Up which contributes to toxic overload.
Kibble additionally is devoid in terms of nutritional value and is loaded with bacteria and mold because of the way it’s processed. The ingredients are waste products-roadkill, grains used for processing alcohol, etc. Worst of all, dog DNA has been found in dog food.
High carbohydrate diets in dogs, as well as cats, lead to health challenges. Dogs on high carb diets tend to overeat because they are not getting the level of protein and fats their bodies need. A high carb diet can result in high glucose levels and predispose your animals to obesity, diabetes and kidney disease. There are a myriad of negative health consequences related to eating kibble, and almost no nutrition.
There are lots of good options out there in terms of human grade food. Check it out. You will see the results! I love Open Farms because it’s human grade food and they have a raw food coated with bone broth that looks and crunches like a kibble. My cats coats are glowing and they have tons of energy!