Healing with Whales and Dolphins
Dolphin~Whale Energy Healing is a is a deeply respectful, highly advanced form of spiritual energy healing.
The beauty of this modality is that it can be done without the physical presence of dolphins. It works equally well in person or over great distances.
It has been well documented that people have had miraculous healings being in the presence of live Dolphins, both wild and captive. There are many captive programs that bring autistic and developmentally challenged individuals to swim with Dolphins and they come out happier, healthier and more verbal. Now, through your certified Dolphin Energy practitioner you can access this same healing energy of the Dolphins without having to travel or get in the water.
A Dolphin~Whale Energy Healing session can address physical, emotional and/or spiritual issues you may be facing. Or you can ask the Dolphins or Whales to send their incredible energy for your highest good.
Your certified Dolphin Energy practitioner may also receive beautiful visions and messages for you from the Dolphins, Whales and often other sea creatures that they will share with you during or after the session is complete. Clients have found these visions and messages to be very insightful and deeply personal and meaningful.
Receiving a Dolphin~Whale energy healing is a simple process of relaxing and opening yourself up to receive. Distance or in person sessions work equally as well. For a distance session you will meet with your healer on Zoom or by phone and they will give you some simple instructions and help you set an intention for the session as well as help you to open to the frequency of the dolphins and whales. Individual Sessions generally last about 45 minutes. Any of the visions and messages your healer receives for you are guided by the dolphins and whales to help give you clarity in many areas of your life.
My Dolphin/Whale Offerings
Beginning in August, I will be offering both individual and group Whale/Dolphin healing sessions. For the individual sessions, I will be working alongside the Dolphins and Whales and weaving in my own healing work. These will be super sessions! I have already done quite a few this way, with awesome results!
The group healing process is very similar; however, in my group healings there is a Dolphin/Whale immersion process. We will meditate with the Dolphins and Whales before we begin, I will share additional energies from the Whales and Dolphins, as well as energies to support you in connecting more deeply with animals in general. You will receive recordings of the session and accompanying energies and a crystal Whale or Dolphin infused with the energies of the Cetaceans. Each participant will have an opportunity to ask two questions of the Dolphins and Whales and I will share any additional messages they have for the group as a whole, as well as individual members. Sessions will be held in groups of eight at a local horse sanctuary, and occasionally, at a local beach or park.
I have already been observing wonderful results with my clients and am beyond excited to step in to this further! If you are interested in experiencing this, let me know and I will put you on my notification list when I am up and rolling with this! 🙂