Healing for Humans
Happier, Healthier Humans
Energy healing for humans is focused on your individual goals. Improvements can be made in the areas of abundance, self confidence/self esteem, improving relationships, business success, releasing addictions and improving physical and emotional well-being. In a deep healing session I use several modalities, depending on how I am guided.
PLEASE NOTE: Heartsong services are a supplement to, vs. a replacement for regular medical care. Heartsong also does not claim to diagnose or treat physical or mental illness. That said, by releasing trapped emotions, limiting belief systems and stuck energy, physical improvements may occur.
Dolphin~Whale Group Immersion
Dolphin~Whale Group Immersion
October 5, 2024 1:00-4:00 pm
Pregnant Mare Rescue, Watsonville, CA
Dolphin ~ Whale Energy Healing is a deeply respectful, highly advanced form of spiritual energy healing. The beauty of this modality is that it can be done without the physical presence of dolphins. It works equally well in person or over great distances. It has been well documented that people have had miraculous healings being in the presence of live dolphins, both wild and captive. There are many captive programs that bring autistic and developmentally challenged individuals to swim with dolphins and they come out happier, healthier and more verbal.
Now, you can access this same healing energy of the Dolphins without having to travel or get in the water.
A Dolphin ~ Whale Energy Healing session can address physical, emotional, behavioral and/or spiritual issues you or your animal companion may be facing. Or you can simply ask the Dolphins or Whales to send their incredible energy for your highest good.
I will receive beautiful visions and messages for you from the Dolphins, Whales and often other sea creatures that they will share with you during the session.
Our Services
Human Healing
Cindie is trained in more than 20 different healing modalities, her favorites being the Body Code, Sacred Activations and Dolphin~Whale Healing. She draws on her vast experience as a healer and utilizes multiple modalities in each healing session. She begins each session by asking for guidance from the Creator, which results in deep insights about your limiting belief systems and other blockages and how to address them. More than 95% of the beliefs we hold are subconscious and those subconscious belief systems that we are not aware of determine most of our experience. She then uses other modalities she is guided to in order to support your specific goals.
Distance is not a barrier to healing. Cindie has clients all over the world.
Her human healing sessions consist of the following:
Deep Energy Healing Session
This is the most frequently requested session and is powerful and effective for all types of goals and challenges.
Dolphin~Whale Super Session
In a super session, Cindie combines the all elements of a deep healing session with her Dolphin~Whale healing. The Dolphins and Whales run their energy in the background while Cindie conducts a deep healing session, intensifying the power and benefits of the healing energies and moving you more quickly in the direction of your goals.
Dolphin~Whale Group Immersion Session
These sessions may be held online or in person in the Santa Cruz County area. Groups of six or more can contact Cindie directory to schedule a private session in the Santa Cruz County area at their desired location. These sessions combine the healing energy of the Dolphins and Whales with energies and practices to connect you more deeply to Dolphin and Whale vibrations.
Success Stories
Click on the photos below to read these inspiring stores.
Cindie’s Perspective
The goal of my energy healing work is to bring joy, healing & transformation to your life, while bringing you more fully into your power, beauty, & the magnificence of who you truly are.”
From the Blog
The Power of the Purr!
One of the sweetest things about cats is their purr. The purr is also incredibly healing for both us and our cats. Find out more about it…..
Animals and Allergies!
I follow a number of holistic veterinarians and recently attended a holistic course on allergies. My biggest take away is the frequency with which allergies are diagnosed!
Healing with Whales and Dolphins!
In July, I will be receiving my certification as a Whale/Dolphin Healer! The energy is amazing and the results have been wonderful as well!