Classes & Sessions

Individual Sessions

To Book via Email:

Please include your name, phone number and session you are interested in and I will reach out to you ASAP! Please add me as a contact to ensure you receive my messages!

To Book via Phone:

If you reach voicemail, please include your name, and what session you are interested in and I will call you back ASAP. Call now to improve physical, emotional or behavioral conditions!

Current Classes

Reiki Level 1 Class

In Reiki Level I, students receive instruction in utilizing this gentle healing modality for both humans and animals. The benefits of Reiki include:


  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving overall physical, emotional, spiritual and behavioral well being
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Improving mobility and appetite in senior animals

    Reiki Level I

    Please note: I am no longer teaching Reiki I and II to the general public. Interested groups of six or more can inquire about scheduling a class.  Classes take place 10:00 am-3:30 pm over two days.  Both weekend and weekday classes are possibilities.

    Bonding with Animals

    In this interactive, half day class, Cindie shares what she has learned about animals as an animal communicator and healer and leads you through exercises for calming and connection with animals.  The content will support you:

    • To become aware of little known, important facts about animals
    • To understand how animals think and feel
    • To understand what animals really want
    • To understand how to calm and ground both yourself and your animal companions
    • To learn and practice bonding exercises with animals!

    This class is appropriate for any human over the age of ten who is able to focus during a three hour experience!

    Bonding with Animals

    10-16 years old -- July 27th, 2024, 1:00-4:30 pm 

    16+ years old -- August 24th, 2024, 1:00-4:30 pm

    Pregnant Mare Rescue, Watsonville, CA

    Saroj Meera Headshot

    Client's Testimonial

    We adopted a second dog about six weeks ago. Our Poochon was depressed and jealous. She stopped playing and smiling. My last straw came when she peed in my bed. I was at my wit's end, and then a friend recommended Cindie Ambar of Heartsong Animal Healing. Cindie came to our house and did a healing on our pup. She is playful and happy again and there is no more peeing all over the house! My husband, the skeptic, was impressed."

    -Saroj & Meera

    From the Blog

    Benefits of the Growl!

    Benefits of the Growl!

    A growl is a warning that your animal should be removed from a situation. Taking away their capacity to warn you has consequences.

    read more