Healing for Humans


Happier, Healthier Humans

Energy healing for humans is focused on your individual goals. Improvements can be made in the areas of abundance, self confidence/self esteem, improving relationships, business success, releasing addictions and improving physical and emotional well-being.   In a deep healing session I use several modalities, depending on how I am guided.

PLEASE NOTE:  Heartsong services are a supplement to, vs. a replacement for regular medical care.  Heartsong also does not claim to diagnose or treat physical or mental illness.  That said, by releasing trapped emotions, limiting belief systems and stuck energy, physical improvements may occur.

Success Stories

Click on the photos below to read these inspiring stores.

Our Services

Human Healing


Emotion/Body Code

The Emotion Code/Body Code is highly effective because it helps to find specific problems and remove them. I tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected to meet your healing goals.


Belief Work

Changing our beliefs is the most effective way to effect change in our lives. Releasing beliefs that no longer serve me and connecting me to beliefs that allow me to expand and transform my life.


Core Expansion

Core Expansion de-clutters your energetic space of outdated patterns and limitations, which have been standing in your way of expansion.


Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing® is a return to an optimal state of balance that results from interacting with its fully comprehensive spectrum of frequencies consisting of energy, light and information.


Sound Healing

Sound healing is one of the most ancient forms of healing and with the most evidence behind its efficacy. Sound has been proven to kill cancer cells and to bring healing on multiple levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. The vibrations can help release trauma and stuck energy and bring a being back in to harmony and balance.


Other Modalities

• Shamanic Channeling
• Sacred Attunements
• Accelerated Light       Healing
• Arcturian Reiki
• Theta Healing
• Akashic Records Work
• Belief Work for Children
• The Reconnection

Emotion/Body Code


Potential Results:

• Improved physical well-being
• Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
• Improved relationships
• Improved financial abundance
• Support with release from addictions
• Connection to life's purpose
• Stepping into your power
• Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life


Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level? The Emotion Code/Body Code releases these issues to help restore well-being on every level.

How can the Emotion/Body Code help me/my animal companion?

These trapped emotions are in your muscles, your organs, your connective tissue, your joints, etc. An Emotion Code session, releases trapped emotions which can cause emotional, physical, behavioral and spiritual issues.  An Emotion Code session can help to release the stored and recorded trauma patterns that impact you physically/emotionally and spiritually, limit your life and keep you stuck.  A Body Code session takes it to the next level and supports by going more deeply into the root causes and limiting patterns.

The Emotion Code/Body Code is highly effective because it helps to find specific problems and remove them. I tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected to meet your healing goals.

Belief Work

Change Your Beliefs, Change your Life


Potential Results:

• Improved physical well-being
• Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
• Improved relationships
• Improved financial abundance
• Support with release from addictions
• Connection to life's purpose
• Stepping into your power
• Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life



I originally was a client, but soon after chose to become a Sacred Activations practitioner because the work had such a profound impact on my life, with substantial shifts in my well-being and life's circumstances over a short period of time. An activation shifts energy, either releasing negative energy that limits you or connecting you with positive energies that will support you in changing your life for the better.

How Belief Work Can Help:

Close to 94% of the actions we take on a daily basis are fueled by subconscious belief systems. They essentially govern our lives and can either support us or hinder us in what we are trying to achieve on a more conscious level. Changing our beliefs is the most effective way to effect change in our lives. I have been astounded at the positive results associated with this work, releasing beliefs that no longer serve me and connecting me to beliefs that allow me to expand and transform my life.

There are more than 300 activations, each specific to enhancing and expanding various aspects of your life.​

Core Expansion

Transformation with Ease and Grace!


Potential Results:

• Improved physical well-being
• Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
• Improved relationships
• Improved financial abundance
• Support with release from addictions
• Connection to life's purpose
• Stepping into your power
• Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life


Core Expansion is a revolutionary and powerful new healing modality, direct from Source, which transforms eons of limiting energies, negative patterns, oaths, vows, obligations, curses, and bonds to sabotage, addiction, trauma, disempowerment, loss, poverty, dis-ease and disharmony gently, quickly and effectively.

How Core Expansion can Help You:

Core Expansion de-clutters your energetic space of outdated patterns and limitations, which have been standing in your way of expansion.  It expands your core understanding, truth and perspective of who you are, raising your frequency, so that you can make tremendous shifts in your well-being and life circumstances.

There are currently over 200 Core Energies, each is specific to enhancing and expanding various aspects of your life.

Reconnective Healing®

Reconnect with Yourself and The Universe!


Potential Results:

In contrast to other healing modalities, Reconnective Healing® does not target a specific issue or circumstance-the changes can be unexpected.  In my own practice I have witnessed improvement in well-being on all levels, physical, emotional, spiritual well-being and improvement in life's circumstances.  Some life circumstance examples include reconciliation of damaged relationships, having creativity reignited, powerful insights and revelations, etc.


Reconnective Healing® is a return to an optimal state of balance that results from interacting with its fully comprehensive spectrum of frequencies consisting of energy, light and information. Recent studies have even shown that this spectrum brings about a distinctly beneficial transformation in our DNA.  There are two aspects.  The Reconnection has a different focus than Reconnective Healing in that it is specific to spiritual development and connection with your life's purpose.

How Reconnective Healing® can Help You:

The Reconnective Healing® client receives the healing that is needed at the time, whether that is healing of the mind, body, or spirit. Dis-ease in the mind and spirit can underlie disease and challenges in the body. This amazing new spectrum of Energy, Light, and Information works beautifully for humans and animals, in-person or long-distance.

Sound Healing


Potential Results:

• Improved physical well-being
• Improved mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
• Improved relationships
• Improved financial abundance
• Support with release from addictions
• Connection to life's purpose
• Stepping into your power
• Living a more harmonious, joyful and balanced life


Sound healing is one of the most ancient forms of healing and with the most evidence behind its efficacy. Sound has been proven to kill cancer cells and to bring healing on multiple levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. The vibrations can help release trauma and stuck energy and bring a being back in to harmony and balance. I use the voice, crystal bowls and sometimes Native American flute, to bring forth healing. I also channel Shamanic sound. The results have been profound.

How Sound Healing can Help You:

The vibrations can help release trauma and stuck energy and bring a being back into harmony and balance. I use the voice, crystal bowls and sometimes Native American flute, to bring forth healing. I also channel Shamanic sound. The results have been powerful.


Cindie’s Perspective

The goal of my energy healing work is to bring joy, healing & transformation to your life, while bringing you more fully into your power, beauty, & the magnificence of who you truly are.”

-Cindie Ambar

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